

Being grumpy and mean today, partly due to no slp last nite, but hormonal effects is the real reason. i should start reminding myself taking those herbal pills again.

Last day of Uni, for 07 which is sad and it means 1 more semester to get my Bach degree. I'm still being indecisive on what master degree(s) to choose, atm i am thinking 1) psych which is what I've always wanted to do, 2) Fins which I'm not interested in, it would be painful to look at options, forwards and future contract again, 3) Law which I said I'll pick up after B Comm. But i guess, i should either do psych and fins or solely on law. But then I'm sure I'm not gonna be a lawyer, what's the point of doing it? to add another qualification? Well, either way I'm gonna stress myself out. Also, I'll have to decide which uni to do them, still, UNSW is the preferable choice.

There were several acct internship opening and I'm not sure whether to apply or not. Seriously, I dun see myself working in acct field after grad. Rather, I should say I don't even know what i want. Some suggested why not working for dad, hell no, all you'll get is dispute dispute and dispute. Anyhow, I just got told by a friend, who finished B Psych but didn't get her license for clinical practice, was accepted by CX to work as air hostess. Perhaps I'll be heading somewhere i couldn't picture myself working in. Wow, enough on "career" talk, i should stop now.

I need a pre-final pig out, but in a sensible way. =P I should treat myself better before throwing myself into hell loads of studying...

At last i should add some Chinese to feed my meromero. "Your definition is ambiguous." = "你的解釋很曖昧."



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