

What's becoming of me? Recently at few occasions, when friends and i talked about so-and-so which happened few years back, I've got problems recalling the details. This is surprising because it seems so very important at the time, I guess it is the magic of selective memory.

New semester started officially this week, that leaves another 12 months to go. My grad details are yet to be confirmed, I wonder what the staff had been doing all the time. I've tried emails and even call them, but everytime questions still not been answered, as they claim the person in charge is not in office. Appalling services.

又話說,Sydney這週寒流突襲。上個週末突然下起hail,而在我舊居Killara那邊竟遍地都是hail,遠看上去彷彿身在雪地。亦由於天氣很冷,最近又養成每日2杯咖啡的習慣。很明顯氣色變得沒那麼好。不過並沒有持續太久,因又迷上了Earl Grey紅茶,但卻被阿妹取笑是老人茶-這邊的老人每到cafe都愛點English breakfast或是Earl Grey。




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