今日的midsem很另類,全份paper問你53條Agree or Disagree。每次考試,如有熟讀課本必定中。但,這科上堂cover的跟書裡的並不一樣。成份paper都是似是而非的問題。
例:眼前所見的這個紅蘋果是水果,Agree or Disagree?當一切common sense都對你說要選Agree的時候,誰知答案會是:
Disagree, 因為它可能是個膠製的假水果。-___-" 大佬,咁你講乜都得架啦。
For those who is interested:
"Firm A is more beautiful than Firm B, A is preferred to B, agree or disagree?"
Disagree, beautiful feature, like earnings and dividend growth, are irrelevant. Only its real price and current price is significant to identify under/overpriced firm.
"Risk adverse investors will not engage in risky gamble, agree or disagree"
Disagree, highly perceived risk can be compensated by higher returns. There is always a price for everyone.
"A bought X @ $15k, B bought X @$15, X's price is now $150. A should keep X while B sell X."
Disagree, past transactions are sunk cost and should not affect investment decisions.
But then I shouldn't complain, since the answers are revealed in class.
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